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Custom event

This guide will walk you through the process of creating a custom event in your application and registering a handler to respond to this event. Events are a powerful way to decouple your application’s logic, allowing different parts of your system to communicate without being tightly integrated.

First, you need to create a custom event that implements the IEvent interface from @mbc-cqrs-serverless/core. Depending on the event, you should typically implement a second interface from the aws-lambda library, such as SNSEventRecord, SQSRecord, DynamoDBRecord, EventBridgeEvent, S3EventRecord, etc.

In the following example, we will create a custom S3 event and register this event handler.

// custom-s3-import.event
import { IEvent } from "@mbc-cqrs-serverless/core";
import { S3EventRecord, S3EventRecordGlacierEventData } from "aws-lambda";

export class CustomS3EventRecord implements IEvent, S3EventRecord {
source: string;
eventVersion: string;
eventSource: string;
awsRegion: string;
eventTime: string;
eventName: string;
userIdentity: { principalId: string };
requestParameters: { sourceIPAddress: string };
responseElements: { "x-amz-request-id": string; "x-amz-id-2": string };
glacierEventData?: S3EventRecordGlacierEventData;
s3: {
s3SchemaVersion: string;
configurationId: string;
bucket: {
name: string;
ownerIdentity: { principalId: string };
arn: string;
object: {
key: string;
size: number;
eTag: string;
versionId?: string | undefined;
sequencer: string;

fromS3Record(record: S3EventRecord): S3ImportEvent {
Object.assign(this, record, {
source: record.eventSource,
return this;

With CustomS3EventRecord in place, you can now create a handler for this event.

// custom-s3.event.handler.ts
import { EventHandler, IEventHandler } from "@mbc-cqrs-serverless/core";
import { Logger } from "@nestjs/common";
import { CustomS3EventRecord } from "./custom-s3-import.event";
export class CustomS3EventHandler
implements IEventHandler<CustomS3EventRecord>
private readonly logger: Logger = new Logger(;

constructor() {}
async execute(event: CustomS3EventRecord): Promise<any> {
this.logger.debug("executing::", JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));

As you can see, CustomS3EventHandler is a class annotated with the @EventHandler(T) decorator and implements the IEventHandler<T> interface.

Finally, you need to create a CustomEventFactory that extends DefaultEventFactory and is annotated with the @EventFactory() decorator.

import {
} from "@mbc-cqrs-serverless/core";
import { Logger } from "@nestjs/common";
import { S3Event } from "aws-lambda";

import { S3ImportEvent } from "./quote-import/event/s3-import.event";

export class CustomEventFactory extends DefaultEventFactory {
private readonly logger = new Logger(;

async transformS3(event: S3Event): Promise<IEvent[]> {
const s3Events = => {
const isCustomEvent = true;
if (isCustomEvent) {
return new S3ImportEvent().fromS3Record(record);
return undefined;
}).filter((event) => !!event);

return s3Events;

Similarly, you could override other methods of the DefaultEventFactory class to create and handle custom events.

transformSqs(event: SQSEvent): Promise<IEvent[]>;
transformSns(event: SNSEvent): Promise<IEvent[]>;
transformDynamodbStream(event: DynamoDBStreamEvent): Promise<IEvent[]>;
transformEventBridge(event: EventBridgeEvent<any, any>): Promise<IEvent[]>;
transformStepFunction(event: StepFunctionsEvent<any>): Promise<IEvent[]>;
transformS3(event: S3Event): Promise<IEvent[]>;